Being Human: How Emotional Intelligence is Futureproofing Copywriting

Being Human: How Emotional Intelligence is Futureproofing Copywriting
Photo by Tara Winstead (from Pexels)
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There's no doubting the impact of Artificial Intelligence's recent growth on copywriting as we all switch on to how it can transform approaches, complement work and streamline processes. On occasion, it may even feel that the machines are outsmarting us all, achieving in code what we have spent a career learning.

But—happily for us—one of AI's most definable weaknesses is arguably the most critical in our field: Emotional Intelligence.


Never forget that our plugged-in counterparts can't experience, sense or feel. ChatGPT doesn't know the sensation of talcum-soft sand between toes on a Caribbean island, the satisfaction in the crunch of an apple as you take a first bite, or the nostalgic sentiment inspired when you find a watch that sparks a memory of your grandad's crepey wrist. It can absorb, replicate, even mirror, but it can't feel, it can't empathise sensitively, and it certainly can't resonate authentically.

Photo by Pixabay (from Pexels)

Therefore, as copywriters in 2024, we must unashamedly strive to develop what's fast becoming our ultimate USP. By understanding emotional intelligence's importance in writing persuasively and honing our skills in applying it, we can better tailor our copywriting to suit an audience's emotions, outwitting the machines with clear, sensitive copy that genuinely connects.


This is particularly relevant in our current landscape. Consumers are increasingly sceptical. They are actively seeking emotional connections that will undercut their discerning cynicism. Adrift in the rising tides of an AI-generated sea of sameness, compelling narratives, authentic brand personas and exceptional storytelling are not just strategies. They are the unique tools we—as humans—can utilise to inspire, entertain, and, ultimately, win over consumers.

In this digital age, human-to-human connections are more potent than ever. We can use our emotional intelligence to craft a compelling story that evokes nostalgia or to understand our audience's pain points and desires. Nothing is more powerful than establishing these vital connections and using them effectively. It's a superpower that can only really be wielded by the merest of mortals.

Photo from Pexels


Our unique human ability to understand our audience and decipher what they seek from the brands we write for is a powerful tool. It allows us to connect with them on a deeper level than any AI-generated content ever could. We can empathise with them, feel with them, and understand their desires, delivering perfect copy suited to the target audience. This human touch builds trust and loyalty and communicates honestly, all invaluable in today's competitive market.

Are you ready for some authentic power? Contact Bwritr today to learn how we can help you better harness the potential of emotional intelligence in your next project.

*Disclaimer: we're also not complete luddites. Find out how we do use AI here.

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